Join the Classic
Of u nu een belangrijke speler bent in de sportwereld of niet, uw betrokkenheid en steun aan Bredene Koksijde Classic is de sleutel tot het prestige van elk van onze evenementen. Een partnership met Bredene Koksijde Classic is een onvergetelijke en unieke ervaring. Uw imago in harmonie met onze waarden: innovatie, perfectie en service ten dienste van onze topsport. We heten u van harte welkom aan boord!
Whether you are a major player in the sports world or not, your involvement and support for Bredene Koksijde Classic is the key to the prestige of each of our events. A partnership with Bredene Koksijde Classic is an unforgettable and unique experience. Your brand in harmony with our values: innovation, perfection and service at the service of our top sport. We wish you a warm welcome on board!
Whether you are a major player in the sports world or not, your involvement and support for Bredene Koksijde Classic is the key to the prestige of each of our events. A partnership with Bredene Koksijde Classic is an unforgettable and unique experience. Your brand in harmony with our values: innovation, perfection and service at the service of our top sport. We wish you a warm welcome on board!
Join us
Word partner als sponsor, gastheer van de Bredene Koksijde Classic of Youngster Coast Challenge, exposant of zet je merk simpelweg in de spotlights met een advertentie in technische gids of op de banners in de aankomstzone. Bredene Koksijde Classic biedt verschillende pakketten aan, maar we zijn ook verheugd om een op maat gemaakt sponsorpakket te ontwikkelen met uw zakelijke doelstellingen in gedachten.
Become a partner as a sponsor, host of the Bredene Koksijde Classic or Youngster Coast Challenge, exhibit or simply put your brand in the spotlight with an advertisement in the technical guide or on the banners in the arrival area. Bredene Koksijde Classic offers different packages, but we are also delighted to develop a tailor-made sponsorship package with your business goals in mind.
Become a partner as a sponsor, host of the Bredene Koksijde Classic or Youngster Coast Challenge, exhibit or simply put your brand in the spotlight with an advertisement in the technical guide or on the banners in the arrival area. Bredene Koksijde Classic offers different packages, but we are also delighted to develop a tailor-made sponsorship package with your business goals in mind.